So, purchased smartphone after saving your hard-earned money and entered the queue of smartphone users? Or you are in the queue from a long? Whatever is, you must be worried about the security of your smartphone, right? So, what steps have you taken to secure your smartphone? Oh! So you don’t even know what steps should be taken to increase the security level of your smartphone? Pretty Sad!! But don’t worry; this article is like a boon for you, as I am sharing here the best tips for smartphone security.

Take Backup of Data Frequently
Your smartphone is like portable computer for you. You must be having many important data in it. What if it gets deleted? Well, anything is possible. So why don’t keep prepared for such a frustrating situation? This can be done by taking backup of data from time-to-time. There may be option for this in your smartphone, but if not, then you can do it manually or can use any app.
Screen Lock your Smartphone
Would you like to get your smartphone or data accessed by anyone else? Certainly not! So, secure it by making your smartphone password protected. All the smartphones come with this feature. Make sure that you use a hard-to-guess password for screen lock so that persons who know you personally, can’t judge the password, and thus can’t access your smartphone against your desire.
Avoid Wi-Fi Hotspots
Do you get excited on getting access to free Wi-Fi? Everyone does. But, you must change your habit. The public Wi-Fi can bring many dangerous threats to your smartphone online. Since the public Wi-Fi can be accessed by anyone, so chances are there that some naught minds might be using it. So try to avoid Wi-Fi Hotspots. Use only trusted and secured ones.
Use Antivirus Software
Viruses, Malware, Spyware etc. can hit your smartphone at anytime. The one and only way to stay protected from them is using Antivirus software. You should go to the app store meant for your smartphone straightaway, and then download the antivirus software from there. Since the competition between antivirus software is very high, so you may get into dilemma of choosing the best one. Quick search on the web about this can help you for sure.
Use Trusted Apps only
Trusted apps mean the apps that come from the house of a trusted developer. There are many developers who develop useful apps and are highly trusted by tens of thousands of users. But sadly, some are there to create apps that can create problems for you. Though such apps’ count is very low, but yes, they exist. You must stay away from them.
Keep Your Smartphone’s Operating System Updated
Whenever your smartphone maker pushes any software update, consider downloading and installing it straightaway. The latest update insures the fix to previous bugs (if any) and most up-to-date security. It also ensures the top-notch performance of your smartphone.
These are some of the basic smartphone security tips. Do share this post with your friends to help them keep their smartphone secure.